Tuesday 25 October 2011

Bee Gees Singer Robin Gibb Looks Gaunt

Health troubles: Gibb has been hospitalised twice this year
Photo by Brian Mackness
Robin Gibb appears in public after illness.

Bee Gees singer, Robin Gibb, 61,
looks terribly gaunt in the face,
after receiving treatment for an
inflamed colon earlier this month.

The star has had several health
complaints in recent years.
Now in his early sixties,
Robin is very thin, some
might say a bit too thin.

So what happened?

He is a self confessed vegan-
any animal food-stuff is out
of the question! Generally
he eats a low-fat veggie diet
but I can't understand why
he has suddenly become
match-stick thin.

I just hope that he's OK!
Since his recent health scare,
the star will have to rest and
relax, so he can make a full

I just hope he's eating well!

As seen in the photo below
Robin had a much fuller face
a year ago.

Robin Gibb has a three-month-old baby girl, Snow Robin, with Yang
Photo by PA
Robin Gibb

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