Friday 3 February 2012

Demi Moore Cuts A Very Thin Figure!

Lady in red: The demure dress did little but highlight Demi's shrinking frame
Photo by Erik Pendzich/Rex Features
Demi Moore- thin as ever!

Demi Moore has gone through a lot over
the past year, not only has her marriage to
Ashton Kutcher ended but her once
model-like physique has shown the strain
of her torment!

Reports suggested that the star has been
''addicted'' to high caffeine energy drinks
to such a point that the star collapsed
and was rushed to hospital recently
with breathing difficulties. Latest reports
from the States suggest that the star has
allegedly been smoking ' medicinal incence'
and reportedly Demi allegedly took other
medicines and pills.

Is this another Heather Locklear!?!
Heather found herself in hospital
recently after she reportedly O.D'd
on prescription meds! The Spin City
blond bombshell has been attending
a rehab centre for her reported
addiction problem.

Heather was arrested in 2008 for driving
under the influence of drugs. Now over
3 years later, Heather has relapsed after
a period of sobriety.

Hopefully Demi Moore and Heather Locklear
can overcome their personal problems.
Rehab can do wonders!

Photo by KM Press Group/Rex Features
Heather Locklear was arrested in 2008
for ''Drug Driving''

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