Wednesday 15 February 2012

Whitney Houston To Be Buried Next to Father!

Photo by
John Houston's grave in Newark, New Jersey.
Whitney's dad died in 2003.

Whitney Houston will be buried in a grave plot
next to her father's in Newark, New Jersey.
It's apparently what Whitney wanted.

Bobbi Kristina Brown
Photo by Getty Images
Whitney Houston & the light of her life,
her beautiful daughter, Bobbi Kristina.

Whitney's 18 year old daughter is gradually coming
to terms with the tragic loss of her beloved mother.
Bobbi Kristina is said to be feeling much better,
following her hospitalisation after learning of her
mother's death. Sources say that the mom & daughter
were more like sisters- their shared a strong loving bond.

Photo by EPA
Whitney's Newark church,
where the star used to sing in the
 Gospel Choir as a child. Now it will host her funeral.

Meanwhile Bobby Brown has been banned by
Whitney's family from attending his ex-wife's
funeral in Newark this week. Bobby is heart-
broken by Whitney's passing, but sources say
that the Houston family blame Bobby for
Whitney's demise into heavy substance abuse.

However I'm sure Bobby will pay his respects
in some way, his daughter would want him to
be allowed to do so.

Bobby Brown Rushes to L.A. to Be with Daughter Bobbi Kristina | Bobby Brown
Photo by AKM Images/GSI Media
Bobby Brown leaves LAX airport with his
girlfriend, following the death of his ex-wife.

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