Friday 10 February 2012

James McCartney Looks Like His Famous Dad!

Photo by Rex Features
SIR Paul McCartney with his son James

You can clearly tell by this photo that
Sir Paul McCartney and his son James
share a very strong ressemblance to

They look so alike! From
the thin eyebrows and lips to their
round eyes and wide chin.
James clearly has taken after his
famous father.

Note their jolly facial expressions
but then again they were at a party
together so that might be down to
a good glass of bubbly!

The only difference is the hair colour!
James' mother Linda McCartney had
the fair hair in the family,
however notice that  James' hair colour
has more of a ginger tinge to it.

Photo by Parlophone
The late great Linda McCartney
had nice fair hair.

Linda McCartney was Sir Paul's
beloved wife, who sadly passed away
in 1998 from breast cancer. Linda and
Sir Paul were inseparable and very much
in love. The couple have 4 children,
Heather (Linda's daughter from a previous
relationship and adopted by Sir Paul when
he married Linda)

Then the couple had went on to
have children together,
 Mary, Stella and James McCartney.

The most famous McCartney, after
Sir Paul himself, is his famous
fashionista daughter, Stella McCartney,
who is a leading British fashion designer,
her clothes are legendary the world over!
Her clothes are worn by the rich and famous,
including American actress Kate Hudson!

Photo via
Sir Paul with daughters,
Mary& Stella

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