Wednesday 8 February 2012

Katie Price Appears on BBC Newsnight!

Photo by BBC Newsnight
Katie Price

Katie Price surprised many viewers of
BBC Newsnight program, when the
33 year old blond business-woman
was invited to appear on the political

The topic of the night was the
breast implant PIP scandal, after
a French company reportedly
sold faulty implants to hospitals
across France and throughout
Europe, which led to their recall
and the company that made them
was closed for good.

Katie Price was interviewed by
the BBC's Jeremy Paxman about
her views on breast implants.

Photo by BBC Newsnight
Jeremy Paxman.

Katie wants the age limit to be
highered for the implant surgery.

Katie told Paxman
"If I had my way I think there should
be an age limit.
 I had my first boob job when I was 18
and realistically
I think that's too young. I think 21."
(Katie Price speaking on BBC Newsnight)

Like many former glamour models,
Katie has experienced problems
with breast implants in the past,
she says that getting the best Doctor
to perform the operation doesn't
always guarantee the best outcome.

Katie was recently a celebrity guest speaker
at a debate organised by the Oxford Union,
which she won hands down! Now the TV star
is making her political views heard.

I wonder has The Pricey ever thought of
entering politics!?!  

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