Saturday 10 September 2011

Beyonce's Pregnancy Cravings!

Big surprise: Beyoncé debuted her baby bump in an orange Lanvin gown and told the assembled press: 'I have a surprise!' at the MTV Video Music Awards, late last month
Photo by Reuters
Beyonce has that pregnancy glow!

Pop Superstar, Beyonce, 30, is glowing these days!
Just like every other mother to be, Beyonce has
got her pregnancy food cravings! Well she is
now eating for two now! For some reason
the food combinations Beyonce has chosen
are quite bizarre-- sweet and savoury foods

A Source close to the star told The Sun newspaper:

"Beyonce's snacking on Oreo biscuits and gherkins,
Bounty ice creams with hot chilli sauce and
 she loves dipping bananas in ketchup.
 For breakfast, she's been having croissants
with melted Dime bars inside."
(The Sun Newspaper)

Beyonce is clearly loving every minute of her
pregnancy! Meanwhile it's rumoured that
American rapper Kanye West is likely
to be the future godfather of Beyonce & Jay Z's

This child will be Hollywood royalty!
After all, Beyonce is like the Queen of RnB!

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