Wednesday 14 September 2011

Madonna & Lourdes On ''Marmite''

Photo by Splash
Madonna poses with her
look alike daughter, Lourdes.

Madonna, 53, hit the headlines recently for her
loathing hydrangeas! Now looks like the
Material Girl has another dislike--
the famous British yeast spread- Marmite!

However Madonna's 14 year old daughter,
Lourdes, absolutely loves Marmite!
Sources say she got a taste for it while
she was living in England when Madge
was married to British Film Producer,
Guy Ritchie! Lourdes has even encouraged
Madonna to give the spread a try on a
sandwich---- Madonna does everything for
her kids--- but she'll never try the spread!
She prefers honey- Good for preserving
her singing voice!

Marmite is a long established British
condiment-- since 1902!!! Since then
the spread has gone on to gain a
reputation-- 'You're like marmite you either
love it or you hate it'- Simon Cowell has used
this phrase over the years when it came
to judging quirky contestants on The X Factor!

Fortunately for the contestants Simon
loves Marmite!

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