Wednesday 21 September 2011

John Travolta Spotted Bald!

Hair today, gone tomorrow: John Travolta loves changing between the bald and hairy look
Photo by
John Travolta is bald!

John Travolta, 57, is bald!
The Grease star was spotted
recently without much hair!
Normally he has a fine crop
of hair but it's claimed that's
down to a good toupee (wig)!

We're led to believe that
John likes to mix thing up
once and a while! John
was pictured bald this week,
then the following day he
was pictured wearing his wig

The latest rumour is that
Jon Cryer from TV sitcom
Two-and-a-Half-Men, was
also photographed this week
with less hair on top-- it's
quite likely that the star also
wears a wig!

John does look younger with
a hair piece but the bald look
suits him too.

Looks like these Hollywood stars
are too squeamish to undergo
hair transplant surgery!
A wig is a quick fix for the
older middle-aged stars of

I guess it's a case of hair today,
gone tomorrow and back again!

Hair today, gone tomorrow: John Travolta loves changing between the bald and hairy look
Photo by Splash
John with wig

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