Saturday 24 September 2011

Britney's Diet Secrets Revealed!

 Britney Spears
Photo by Getty Images

Britney Spears is back on top!
These days the Pop Superstar, 29,
is looking fresh-faced, toned and tanned!

It's all thanks to her new diet!
Britney has changed her eating
and drinking habits to maintain
her flawless glamourous look!

According to Now Magazine:

''For lunch and dinner Britney is eating
        slow-release carbs such as sushi with brown rice,
        wholemeal pasta and lots of chicken or fish
        with green veg''.
        ''She's also downing at least 3ltr of water a day,
        which accounts for her clear complexion,'
       reveals our source''.
Now this seems to be one of the
 healthiest celeb diets, I've ever heard!
Perhaps the amount water is too much!
At least there's nutritional food in it
compared to that unhealthy liquid diet:
Lemon Juice, Cayenne Pepper &
Maple Syrup drink that some A listers
consume on a daily basis in a desperate
attempt to drop the pounds- especially
if they're going for a film role!

If you eat healthy, exercise regularly,
there should be no need for
excessive dieting!

Hollywood comes up with the
notion of perfection and celebs
try to maintain that illusion!

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