Saturday 17 September 2011

Nicola Roberts Loves Blueberries!

Ambition: Two years after Girls Aloud went on hiatus, Roberts is one of the last band members to release a solo single
Photo by Polydor
Nicola Roberts

Nicola Roberts, 25, has said that she likes to
stay healthy! Her favourite snack has to be
blueberries-- Nicola has said that she can go
through a couple of trays of blueberries in
one sitting! Well it is a healthy option- so
why not?!? The Beat of My Drum Singer
is size 6- however in a recent magazine
interview Nicola says that her mum's
side of the family are naturally thin!

Nicola even went on to say that her
fridge is always well stocked with
lovely Marks&Spencer food!

This Lady Has Good Taste for
Fine food!

We love you Nicola : )

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