Thursday 8 September 2011

John Galliano Found Guilty of Charges!

High-profile friends: John Galliano with model Kate Moss
Photo by
John Galliano (left) poses
with friend/model, Kate Moss.

A French Court has reportedly
found British fashion designer,
John Galliano, guilty of anti-semitic
remarks, he made towards Jewish women
at a Parisian restaurant on 2 occasions. report
Galliano has been fined 6,000 euros --
and will be on a French version of probation
 for the next 5 years.
He was also ordered to pay one euro to one
of his victims as a "symbolic" act

However, Galliano maintains that he is not
a racist, nor is he anti-semitic! It's claimed
that Galliano suffers from a dependency on
alcohol, which would explain his offensive
drunken rant.

Justice has been served- any form of racism
is unacceptable, star or no star!

France has the largest Jewish
community in Europe. Galliano lives
in Paris. The French capital has one of the
largest Jewish communities in the country.

The victims have rightfully triumphed,
while Galliano is relieved that
the trial is over.

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